Everything You Need to Know About Pelvic Floor Therapy

One-third of American females have pelvic floor disorders (PFD), and 377,000 women in the US opted to have surgery in 2010 to correct a pelvic floor disorder such as a bladder control problem of pelvic floor prolapse, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. There are three types of pelvic floor disorders: […]
What You Need to Know About Massage Therapy

Like 34 percent of Americans, do you believe massage therapy is primarily a form of pampering? If so, it’s time you learned about the incredible health benefits of this form of therapy. While getting a massage feels good, it is also great for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, massage therapy can help treat… […]
Elyse Copp Explains How Massage Therapy Supports a Physiotherapy Program
There is nothing like a massage to ease the tension in our bodies as well as our minds. Most people revel in the thought of receiving a massage. Patients whose treatment plans include massage therapy usually look forward to this aspect of their recovery more than any other part of their treatment plan. Is massage […]
Physiotherapy: a Drug-Free, First-Line Treatment for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Are you tired of dealing with the symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS)? If so, you are not alone. Although tarsal tunnel syndrome is considered rare, there are still a number of people who share in your desire to quell the annoying and sometimes incapacitating symptoms of TTS. Tarsal tunnel syndrome, not to be confused […]
Physiotherapy Helps Stroke Survivors Thrive
Those who have suffered a stroke are often referred to as survivors. This is an accurate description of such individuals. However, stroke victims don’t want to merely survive their lives; they want to thrive in them. The good news is that they can. With the right team and the right attitude, these brave individuals can […]
3 Unusual Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage is universally known to be wonderful. It goes without saying that a good massage results in a more relaxed mind and body. Most people are also aware that massage has a way of refreshing sore, tired muscles. However, there are several distinct, not-so-obvious benefits of massage therapy that you might not know about. 3 […]
Physiotherapy: a Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy
Do you have diabetic neuropathy? If so, you are painfully aware of the limitations this condition causes. Diabetic neuropathy occurs when nerves become damaged from high blood sugar levels. There are many symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, but the most common is a feeling of burning/tingling/loss of feeling in the feet and hands. Pain, hypo/hypersensitivity to […]
You’re Not Stuck with Neck and Back Pain
Are you one of the thousands of people who deal with neck and back pain? Have you struggled with chronic pain for years? Do you feel like you will never get rid of your aches? If so, here is some amazing news: you are NOT stuck with neck and back pain! Can Physiotherapy Replace Surgery? […]
Amazing Acupuncture: How It Can Help You
Acupuncture is a truly amazing therapy. Not only is it drug-free, safe and effective, it is also multi-beneficial. Although most people know what acupuncture is, few understand how it can benefit them. Are you aware of the myriad of ways in which acupuncture can boost your health? Prevention published an article, Your Body on Acupuncture, […]
Treating Childhood Arthritis with Physiotherapy
If you were asked to imagine someone who suffers from arthritis, what image would come to your mind? Would you envision an older individual, somewhat hunched over in posture, perhaps holding his or her back as if in pain? If so, you’d be in good company — most people consider arthritis to be a disease […]