How Physiotherapy Can Help You Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that 11 million Canadians have diabetes or pre-diabetes, and that a Canadian is diagnosed with one of these conditions every 3 minutes? This is impacting the economy severely. “By 2026, an estimated 14 million Canadians will be living with diabetes at a cost of $5 billion to the public health care system,” […]

How to Listen to Your Body During Physical Activity

Exercise-related injuries happen for a wide variety of reasons. One of the primary causes of injury is not listening to your body during physical activity. Many people don’t listen to their bodies because they believe a damaging myth about exercise. Read on to find out if you are believing this injury-promoting myth. Is “No Pain, […]

Why Physiotherapy Improves Body Image

Did you know that exercise, which is a vital aspect of a physiotherapy program, improves body image? Medical News Today reported on a study that proved just one exercise session increases body image, which can be defined as how someone feels about his or her body at any given moment. MNT stated, “New research suggests […]

6 Ways Physiotherapy Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients

Physiotherapy can treat a colorful assortment of health problems. People are often surprised to learn about the many illnesses physiotherapy successfully treats. However, just like any other type of therapy, physiotherapy doesn’t always address an illness’s root. In some cases, it does. In other cases, it effectively treats an illness’s symptoms and increases the quality […]

Prehabilitation To Prevent Seasonal Injuries

What is your favourite season? Many people say autumn because weather is dry and mild, and radiant colours appear throughout nature. Less people seem enthusiastic about winter, except for carollers who sing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Winter months can be enjoyable, but with this season comes new routines, many of which […]

11 Hot Tips for Running in Winter

Don’t let falling temperatures and dwindling daylight discourage you from keeping up with your running routine. Running in cold weather can help shake the winter blues, increase your energy level and ensure you’re in ideal shape when bathing suit season rolls back around. The following are some winter running tips to keep you safe and educated during the harsh Winnipeg winter.

Low Impact Summer Activities

Summer is coming to an end but there is still time to get outside and enjoy this sunny season and all of the fun, low impact activities it has to offer. Perhaps you haven’t taken advantage of the summer activities available to you in your community, but it’s not too late. Many activities, like cycling, […]