3 Signs You Have a Chronic Sports Injury and Don’t Know It

Each year, thousands of Canadians are hospitalized as a result of a sports injury. Sports injuries can be devastating, especially to professional athletes or those who use sports as their primary means of stress relief. Chronic Injuries Vs. Acute Injuries  Usually, an acute sports injury, such as a sprained ankle, will make itself known by […]

Avoid Opioids and Control Chronic Pain with Physiotherapy

According to CBS News, one in three Americans were prescribed opioids in 2015. About 5% of these individuals obtained the drugs through illicit means, and 0.8% reported being fully addicted to opioids. Most people obtain opioids legally, getting a prescription from a legitimate doctor for pain. Unfortunately, a small percentage of individuals who innocently begin […]

Your Plan for Reducing Chronic Pain This Year

According to the Government of Canada, an estimated 1.5 million Canadians experience chronic pain. Of those 1.5 million individuals, or 1 in 10 Canadians aged 12 to 44, 9 percent are male and 12 percent are female.   Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than 90 days. This type of pain can be slight, […]

5 Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain That Actually Help

black and white photo of a woman holding her face in her hands

Chronic pain stinks. There’s no other way to state it. Some common coping tips pain sufferers hear such as “get more sleep” seem absurd. (How can someone sleep when in pain?) Although many pain-coping tips are unrealistic, some really are helpful. Read on to discover some realistic ways to cope with chronic pain and get […]

Why Physiotherapy Is So Valuable

Physiotherapy is, in a word, valuable. Many of the patients who’ve participated in a physiotherapy program will attest to this; so will statistical research. The article The Value of Physiotherapy mentioned the findings of an evidence-based, relevant valuation of physiotherapy by two health economists. What the economists found was support for the idea that physiotherapy […]

You’re Not Stuck with Neck and Back Pain

Are you one of the thousands of people who deal with neck and back pain? Have you struggled with chronic pain for years? Do you feel like you will never get rid of your aches? If so, here is some amazing news: you are NOT stuck with neck and back pain! Can Physiotherapy Replace Surgery? […]

Amazing Acupuncture: How It Can Help You

Acupuncture is a truly amazing therapy. Not only is it drug-free, safe and effective, it is also multi-beneficial. Although most people know what acupuncture is, few understand how it can benefit them. Are you aware of the myriad of ways in which acupuncture can boost your health? Prevention published an article, Your Body on Acupuncture, […]

If You Want to Be Pain-free, Exercise!

True or false: avoiding physical activity will help to reduce your pain. The correct answer is, FALSE. Avoiding physical activity doesn’t usually reduce pain; it exacerbates it. This may seem counterintuitive. Someone with back pain, for example, would probably assume that resting the back would bring the most relief. This is an understandable conclusion. However, […]

Physiotherapy May Help You Avoid the Use of Prescription Drugs

Do you experience chronic pain? If so, you are in good company—millions of others are in the same boat. Chronic pain is severe, life altering and difficult to control. Many who live with this condition will admit that they feel trapped in and helpless against the unceasing aches that trouble them on a daily basis. […]

Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Make the Perfect Pain Relieving Team

Most people who experience chronic back pain would do almost anything to experience relief; many have. Nutritional supplements, special diets and topical treatments all offer the hope of pain relief, but few deliver on this promise. While many with back pain feel hopeless, there is a solution that is time-tested and has been proven to […]