6 Incredible Ways Stretching Can Benefit You

Regular stretching is highly beneficial. First and foremost, it increases your flexibility. This is helpful first because it makes performing daily activities easier, and second because it can help you maintain your mobility as you age. “Stretching is an extremely important practice to add to your daily routine to be on your way to better […]

3 Tips for Stretching the Right Way

Stretching should be a part of every person’s daily routine, whether they are physically active or not. A common misconception about stretching is that it is only necessary for athletes, but this is not the case. Everyone needs to stretch their muscles on a daily basis. “Stretching is one of those activities that a lot […]

The “Don’ts” of Stretching for Winter Sports

Like it or not, winter is here for several more weeks. One way that outdoorsy people make the best of this season is by participating in winter sports like skiing, hockey, ice skating, and snowboarding. These adrenaline-triggering sports can liven up January and February like no other activities. They can also cause injuries if a […]

5 Anti-Injury Tips for Runners

If you’ve been a runner for long, there’s a decent chance you’ve experienced a running-related injury at some point. They’re not fun, are they? Not only do they keep you from your beloved pastime, they also limit your ability to perform daily tasks. Severe injuries may render you sedentary for weeks or even months. There […]

You Can Prevent Running-Related Injuries

Do you dream of becoming a runner? Lots of people do. Who knows how many times “run a 5K” has made it onto a list of New Year’s resolutions or life goals. If you want to become a runner, what is holding you back? Are you not sure how to start? Do you doubt your […]

The Right and Wrong Way To Stretch Tight Muscles

Are your muscles stiff and achy? Are you frustrated by decreased range of motion? If so, there’s a good chance that your muscles are too tight. Most people don’t think of stretching as a first line of defense against pain, but it can be. When done correctly, stretching can lengthen your muscles and relieve annoying […]

Home Exercise Programs: Why you should listen to your therapist!

If you have ever been to a physical therapy session your physiotherapist likely gave you a home exercise program, or HEP. A physiotherapist creates home exercise programs specifically for each individual patient given their specific injuries and limitations. This is to be performed anywhere from 3-7 days per week depending on your condition and limitations. […]

Yoga for back pain

Can yoga help to relieve my lower back pain? As physiotherapists we are often asked if yoga will help with lower back pain. While the answer is not exactly black-and-white, a recent study helps to support our typical advice of “YES!”, yoga can certainly help relieve lower back pain. Yoga has been around almost 4000 […]