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Like it or not, winter is here for several more weeks. One way that outdoorsy people make the best of this season is by participating in winter sports like skiing, hockey, ice skating, and snowboarding. These adrenaline-triggering sports can liven up January and February like no other activities. They can also cause injuries if a sportsman/sportswoman doesn’t stretch correctly.

The “Don’ts” of Stretching

When it comes to health and wellness tips, we hear a lot of “dos”: do drink a lot of water, do exercise often, do sleep eight hours a night, and do eat fruits and vegetables. The same goes for stretching. We are told to stretch before and after working out and are encouraged to try specific stretches. But those who indulge in sports need to be as aware of the “don’ts” of stretching as they are the “dos.” For example…




Stretching should be part of any sportsperson’s anti-injury plan, especially as it relates to winter sports. Also, if you’re serious about preventing injuries, let a physiotherapist teach you good stretching practices.

How are you keeping yourself healthy and injury-free during this winter sports season?

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