3 Ways Physiotherapists Ease Back Pain
“My back is killing me!” Have you ever said something like this? If so, you are part of a large community of individuals worldwide who routinely experience back pain. Whether it is chronic, acute, severe, minor, dull, or sharp, back pain puts a dent in your quality of life. But, here is some great news: […]
How to Prevent Winter Accidents and Injuries
Wintertime will soon be upon us, and it will bring snow, ice and sleet. These elements are great for sledding and having fun, but they can be dangerous. No one wants to slip and fall or pull a muscle in the wintertime. With a little planning and education, you can do a darn good job […]
Can Physiotherapy Put an End to Frequent Back Muscle Strains?
You know the drill – you spend a day doing slightly strenuous work, like moving boxes or painting your kitchen, and you wake up with a strained back muscle that puts a major cramp in your day. As a result of the strained back muscle, you don’t have full range of motion, or perhaps you’re […]
Amazing Acupuncture: How It Can Help You
Acupuncture is a truly amazing therapy. Not only is it drug-free, safe and effective, it is also multi-beneficial. Although most people know what acupuncture is, few understand how it can benefit them. Are you aware of the myriad of ways in which acupuncture can boost your health? Prevention published an article, Your Body on Acupuncture, […]
The Right and Wrong Way To Stretch Tight Muscles
Are your muscles stiff and achy? Are you frustrated by decreased range of motion? If so, there’s a good chance that your muscles are too tight. Most people don’t think of stretching as a first line of defense against pain, but it can be. When done correctly, stretching can lengthen your muscles and relieve annoying […]
Prehabilitation To Prevent Seasonal Injuries
What is your favourite season? Many people say autumn because weather is dry and mild, and radiant colours appear throughout nature. Less people seem enthusiastic about winter, except for carollers who sing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Winter months can be enjoyable, but with this season comes new routines, many of which […]
Are Muscle Cramps Crippling Your Active Lifestyle?
Picture this: your fast paced run comes to a quick halt when your left calf muscle twists and shoots pain throughout your leg. Or, you’re sprinting for home plate when the muscle in your groin begins stabbing you like a sword. For most athletes, picturing these scenarios requires no stretch of the imagination. Muscle cramps […]