6 Physiotherapy Tips for Golfers

There are about 6 million golfers in Canada. Whether these individuals play as a hobby or play professionally, they could all use some physiotherapy tips to improve their golf game and keep them injury-free. 6 Physiotherapy Tips for Golfers If you have golfed for long, you may be familiar with the back and knee pain […]

3 Tips for Stretching the Right Way

Stretching should be a part of every person’s daily routine, whether they are physically active or not. A common misconception about stretching is that it is only necessary for athletes, but this is not the case. Everyone needs to stretch their muscles on a daily basis. “Stretching is one of those activities that a lot […]

10 Physiotherapist-Approved Tips for Soccer Safety

Soccer is by far one of the most popular sports in the world. “(It) is the sport played most consistently around the world. It’s not sectioned off or dominated by one particular country. According to FIFA’s most recent Big Count survey, there are 265 million players actively involved in soccer around the world, roughly about […]

5 Helpful Tips for Avoiding Injury While Gardening

Have you ever noticed how hard gardening can be on the body? All that bending, stooping, digging, and pulling can cause annoying aches and pains. Avid gardeners may even develop chronic pain or injuries over time. Are you a gardener? Read on to discover five tips that will help you stay injury-free and able to […]

5 Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain That Actually Help

black and white photo of a woman holding her face in her hands

Chronic pain stinks. There’s no other way to state it. Some common coping tips pain sufferers hear such as “get more sleep” seem absurd. (How can someone sleep when in pain?) Although many pain-coping tips are unrealistic, some really are helpful. Read on to discover some realistic ways to cope with chronic pain and get […]

How to Improve Your Posture This Month

Would you like to improve your posture this month? A wise answer would be “yes”! After all, good posture doesn’t just improve your appearance; it also improves your health by preventing injuries and the pain they cause. Make it your mission today to learn some good-posture habits that can change your day as well as […]

3 Critical Summer Safety Tips

If there were a contest between winter, spring, summer, and fall for “the most fun season of the year,” summer would probably win. What other season holds the promise of beach vacations, sun-kissed skin, and long, lazy days? As enjoyable as summer is, it can also be hazardous. For example, hundreds of people die each […]

Has Sciatica Got You Down? Let Physiotherapy Lift You Up.

Has sciatica got you down lately? If so, you are part of a small percentage of individuals (2.2%) worldwide that has this condition. In case you are unfamiliar with the term, sciatica is a type of pain that affects the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back to down the back of each leg. […]

Maximize Nutrition with Fresh Summer Produce

There is no better time than summer to give your diet a makeover. Why? Because of this favored season’s abundance of fresh produce. It’s rarely easy to swap out candy bars and fast foods for fruits and veggies, but it’s doable when the produce is as fresh, delicious, and flavorful as it is in the […]

5 Anti-Injury Tips for Runners

If you’ve been a runner for long, there’s a decent chance you’ve experienced a running-related injury at some point. They’re not fun, are they? Not only do they keep you from your beloved pastime, they also limit your ability to perform daily tasks. Severe injuries may render you sedentary for weeks or even months. There […]