How Physiotherapy Treats Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a disease that causes inflammation of the tissue that lines the inside of the joints in children who are 16 or younger. Juvenile arthritis is an autoimmune disease that researchers believe is linked to environmental triggers, certain infections, and genetics, per WebMD. There are six types of juvenile arthritis — […]
How Physiotherapy Treats Lymphedema

“Lymphedema” isn’t a word you hear everyday, but those who have the condition know its meaning all too well. Lymphedema causes swelling in the legs, arms, head, neck, trunk, or genitals due to an accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Secondary lymphedema is most commonly caused by trauma, surgery, radiation, or infection. Primary lymphedema is caused by […]
Why Physiotherapy Improves Body Image

Did you know that exercise, which is a vital aspect of a physiotherapy program, improves body image? Medical News Today reported on a study that proved just one exercise session increases body image, which can be defined as how someone feels about his or her body at any given moment. MNT stated, “New research suggests […]
Interview with Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinic PT Paula Sather

Sometimes, all a person needs is to sit down with a physiotherapist and ask key questions before making the decision to invest time in physiotherapy. Unless you know one personally, the only way to get one-on-one time with a physiotherapist is to schedule an appointment. The next best thing to talking directly with a physiotherapist […]
How Physiotherapists Treat Whiplash

“How do you get whiplash?” Different people have very different answers to this question. Some people believe whiplash is something everyone who has been in a car accident develops. Some think whiplash isn’t treatable. Others think men are more susceptible to this condition than women. These are all myths. A few other myths about whiplash include… […]
How Physiotherapy Fights the Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Did you know that physiotherapy fights some of the symptoms of mesothelioma? Specifically, it treats the fatigue and physical pain caused by this form of cancer. The malaise and pain caused by mesothelioma can be overwhelming and limiting. Many patients struggling with these symptoms are finding that physiotherapy increases their energy levels and reduces their […]
4 Reasons Physiotherapists Love Foam Rolling

“Should I try foam rolling?” In the past couple of years, lots of people have asked themselves and their doctors this very question. Depending upon whether or not the practice was appropriate for them health-wise, many individuals received a positive answer. It’s not at all uncommon for a healthcare practitioner to recommend foam rolling to […]
Phyiotherapist Lorissa Klopak Encourages People to Pursue Physiotherapy
Starting anything new, whether it is a job, a school, or a physiotherapy program, is never easy. The unknown aspects of these ventures sometimes paralyze people with fear, preventing them from ever taking the first step toward their goals. This fear can be damaging, especially when it keeps individuals from pursuing a treatment like physiotherapy, […]
3 Ways Physiotherapists Ease Back Pain
“My back is killing me!” Have you ever said something like this? If so, you are part of a large community of individuals worldwide who routinely experience back pain. Whether it is chronic, acute, severe, minor, dull, or sharp, back pain puts a dent in your quality of life. But, here is some great news: […]
Interview with Karina Zinn, Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapist
There are two types of patients who walk through the doors of a physiotherapy clinic: one who is new to physiotherapy, and one who has been to a different clinic in the past. What both these types of individuals have in common is that they are nervous. One feels totally clueless and vulnerable, and the […]