How to Improve Your Posture This Month

Would you like to improve your posture this month? A wise answer would be “yes”! After all, good posture doesn’t just improve your appearance; it also improves your health by preventing injuries and the pain they cause. Make it your mission today to learn some good-posture habits that can change your day as well as […]
3 Ways Physiotherapists Ease Back Pain
“My back is killing me!” Have you ever said something like this? If so, you are part of a large community of individuals worldwide who routinely experience back pain. Whether it is chronic, acute, severe, minor, dull, or sharp, back pain puts a dent in your quality of life. But, here is some great news: […]
4 Ways Physiotherapy Helps You Age Gracefully
Do you know what the life expectancy of the average Canadian is? For women it is 84 years, and for men it is 79 years. When you think about it, that’s a really long time on this earth. If you are a 40-year-old woman, you could live at least another 45 years or so, maybe […]
These 3 Habits are Killing Your Posture
Did you know that it only takes about one-tenth of a second to form a first impression of someone? Be it good or bad, that first impression sticks with you forever. Of course, someone can redeem his or herself from the bad first impression that was given, but it takes time. It’s much easier to […]
Posture Is More Important Than You Think
If you created a list of things you should do to stay healthy, what would it look like? Perhaps your list might look something like this: — Take vitamins — Exercise — Eat healthy, whole foods — Sleep 6-8 hours per night — Drink 8 glasses of water per day While these activities should be […]
Can Physiotherapy Heal Headaches?
How often do you suffer with a headache that just won’t let up? Dull or shooting, headache pain is one of the worst, most-dreaded types of pain. No doubt you’ve taken your fair share of over-the-counter painkillers in hopes of experiencing pain relief. Or, like thousands of others, perhaps you’ve taken prescription painkillers for your […]
Is Rest the Best Medicine for Your Back Pain?
Does your back pain cause other body parts to scream? Have you ever experienced pain that travels from your back into your thighs and knees? Or, is it common for your back pain to travel north, leaving you with an aching neck and pounding headache? When back pain strikes, our bodies can experience numbing pain […]
Alleviate Neck Pain Caused by Poor Posture
It is easy to take your neck for granted. Then, on a day when you awake with a kink that limits your range of motion and causes soreness, the importance of your neck becomes clear. Each year, a significant amount of people visit their doctor to discuss neck pain. Have you visited your physician for […]
Prehabilitation To Prevent Seasonal Injuries
What is your favourite season? Many people say autumn because weather is dry and mild, and radiant colours appear throughout nature. Less people seem enthusiastic about winter, except for carollers who sing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Winter months can be enjoyable, but with this season comes new routines, many of which […]
Neck pain and your upper traps
It is just too easy to blame the upper trapezius for our neck soreness, tightness, and pain. But these muscles may be getting a bad reputation that is unjustified. Like most muscles in our body, the upper traps do not just become tight without any provocation or underlying reason. What is your upper trapezius? The […]