Physiotherapy Promotes Recovery from a Stroke

There are few things as life-altering as experiencing a stroke. A stroke damages a person’s brain, causing different types of disabilities and handicaps. For example, difficulty swallowing, problems with balance, difficulty modulating emotions, poor memory, confusion, having trouble controlling the bladder, paralysis, numbness in some parts of the body, and difficulty standing, walking or sitting […]

Should You Use Heat Therapy or Ice Therapy to Reduce Pain?

If you’re like most people, at some point in your life you have reached for an ice pack or heating pad in hopes of quelling a stubborn ache or pain. As you probably discovered, heat therapy and ice therapy can both increase comfort and lessen the pain that results from injury. Best of all, these […]

Interesting Facts About Physiotherapy

Over the past couple of centuries, physiotherapy has become a well respected and trusted practice. People all over the world with different types of health problems receive amazing results from physiotherapy. Because it so greatly benefits patients, society’s awareness of professional physiotherapy has grown quite high. While plenty of people have surface knowledge of physiotherapy, […]

Pain Relief is a Marathon, Not a Race

When pain is present, it is only natural to seek out the most expedient form of pain relief. But too many trips to the medicine cabinet can be costly in more ways than one. In time, temporary fixes found in medicine will impact your wallet and, if taken in high dosages for too long, can […]