When pain is present, it is only natural to seek out the most expedient form of pain relief. But too many trips to the medicine cabinet can be costly in more ways than one. In time, temporary fixes found in medicine will impact your wallet and, if taken in high dosages for too long, can seriously hinder other internal body functions. Finding a treatment that addresses the cause of pain is necessary for future, long lasting relief.
Unfortunately, achieving permanent relief from pain symptoms is easier said than done. This is why many doctors turn to physiotherapy as a long-term pain relief method. Physiotherapy can help you strengthen injured areas while preventing weakness and muscle atrophy at the same time. Special exercises prescribed by therapists can also release endorphins which help the body fight pain on its own. After dedicating some time and energy to physiotherapy, people who have struggled with pain in the past are able to return to their active lifestyles. But what does this road to recovery involve? How long does it take for pain to go away?
Have you heard the saying, “Life is a marathon, not a race?” The same is true for pain relief. Every person heals at different rates, and some diagnoses require shorter treatment times than others. Let’s explore what your road to recovery may look like if you choose to pursue physiotherapy as your pain relief treatment plan.
Traveling the Road to Recovery
Many conditions such as sports injuries, back pain and chronic pain from degenerative joint diseases can benefit from physiotherapy. After explaining your particular pain and its cause to a health care provider, and you have been approved for light to moderate exercise, a physiotherapist may be able to help develop a safe treatment plan that gets you back to your active self.
Therapists will assess your previous activity level, lifestyle factors, and extent of injury to put you on the right track to pain relief. They also monitor your progress throughout the course of your therapy. As long as therapy is progressing well, your therapist may continue to challenge you more with each session to help you reach your goals and return you to optimum health.
Finishing Strong
Your age, overall health, specific diagnosis, and dedication to recovery effect how much pain relief you may experience as a result of physiotherapy. Some people with chronic diseases will experience temporary pain relief with therapy, such as a reduction in the stiffness of joints in arthritis or joint degeneration. Acute injuries such as broken limbs, slipped discs of the back, and sprains or strains may experience long lasting results. With appropriate therapy practices, these injuries are likely to repair and leave few symptoms.
Physiotherapy may not be a “quick fix,” but it is a doctor recommended approach to permanent pain relief. It can be an excellent option for those with acute injuries who need to regain strength, increase muscle movement and joint function, reduce stiffness, or gain control over chronic pain. Physiotherapy can also be an ideal form of pain management for those interested in limiting their use of over-the-counter medicines and pharmaceutical drugs.
If you have been thinking about physiotherapy for managing your pain, know that it can bring about the results you desire. By committing to the exercise plan a physiotherapist prescribes, you can be on the road to recovery in no time.