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Do you have diabetic neuropathy? If so, you are painfully aware of the limitations this condition causes. Diabetic neuropathy occurs when nerves become damaged from high blood sugar levels. There are many symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, but the most common is a feeling of burning/tingling/loss of feeling in the feet and hands. Pain, hypo/hypersensitivity to touch, bone degeneration, lack of balance, impaired gait, weakness, and muscle loss can also be caused by this condition.

As life altering as this health complication can be, there is hope for those who have diabetic neuropathy. Several treatments exist that can improve this condition; one of them is physiotherapy.

There is not much awareness that physiotherapy is a treatment option for individuals with diabetic neuropathy. However, the article Physical Therapy for Diabetic Neuropathy states, “(Physiotherapy) is an effective treatment that can help restore balance and sensation that has been lost…(physiotherapy) will help you regain motions that you may have lost or improve your balance when walking.”

Ready to discover how physiotherapy helps those with diabetic neuropathy feel better? Read on!

How Physiotherapy Improves Diabetic Neuropathy

Physiotherapy may help resolve your diabetic neuropathy. How? First, you and your physiotherapist will discuss your goals and what you hope to get out of therapy. Obviously, an improvement in symptoms will be the primary goal. Next, your physiotherapist will design a program that will be aimed at strengthening your muscles and improving your range of motion. Finally, you will meet regularly with your therapist as he or she leads you through your physiotherapy sessions. Sessions are likely to include exercises that help you learn to maneuver surfaces, stand without getting dizzy and maintain your balance. “Regaining sensation in the hands and feet can also be treated with various exercises during (physiotherapy),” states ptandme.com.

Exercise Guards Diabetics Against Peripheral Neuropathy

Aerobic exercise alone has the power to guard diabetics against peripheral neuropathy (PN). A study conducted in 2006 revealed that taking regular, brisk walks “improved nerve conduction velocity and decreased incidence of motor and sensory peripheral neuropathy” in diabetics without PN. This tells us that diabetics who want to avoid developing diabetic neuropathy should walk or do some other type of aerobic activity regularly. Exercising is a free, easy method of preventing this aggravating health condition.

Physiotherapy Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Diabetic neuropathy decreases your quality of life. The good news is that physiotherapy, as well as other types of therapies, can help you regain your health. Contact a physiotherapist today to discuss treatment options for diabetic neuropathy.

Do you have diabetic neuropathy? If so, how do you manage it? What therapies have proven helpful to you? Leave us a comment in the section below – we’d love to hear from you.


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