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Those who have suffered a stroke are often referred to as survivors. This is an accurate description of such individuals. However, stroke victims don’t want to merely survive their lives; they want to thrive in them. The good news is that they can. With the right team and the right attitude, these brave individuals can go from surviving to thriving.

Do You Believe These Myths About Stroke?

There are many myths that surround the topic of stroke. Chances are, you believe at least one of them. Please read through these myths and their corresponding facts carefully. Doing so could save a life.

Myth: Strokes are not preventable.

Fact: About 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.


Myth: Only older individuals have strokes.

Fact: Anyone of any age can have a stroke.


Myth: Strokes happen randomly and are not impacted by heredity.

Fact: Strokes often run in families. People with a family history of strokes should ask a doctor about preventative measures they can take.


Myth: Once someone has had a stroke, there is not much that can be done to improve his or her quality of life.

Fact: Many types of therapy can improve the quality of life of a stroke survivor. Physiotherapy is one.

Which of these stroke-related myths were you believing?

Physiotherapy Helps Patients Thrive After a Stroke

As mentioned above, many people wrongly assume that stroke victims cannot do anything to improve their lives post-stroke. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are specific therapies that facilitate recovery from a stroke, including physiotherapy.

A stroke affects someone physically in profound ways. For example, a person who has had a stroke often becomes partially or totally paralyzed on one side of his or her body. Feelings of weakness, heaviness, and numbness are common in the side of the body that is paralyzed. These unpleasant symptoms can be fought with physiotherapy.

Have you had a stroke? If so, physiotherapy can help you recover your ability to move with ease. More than anything, physiotherapy teaches you to use both sides of your body and empowers you to regain your strength.

More than likely, you will need to work with several types of therapists on your journey to recovery. Your physiotherapist will facilitate this by working “with other members of the stroke team to make sure they can help with the range of problems that stroke can cause. The team may consist of occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, doctors, nurses and social workers (plus other specialists). This team is called the multidisciplinary stroke team,” states the article Physiotherapy After Stroke. No stroke team is complete without a physiotherapist.

There is plenty you can do to take back your life after a stroke. Physiotherapy is just one channel through which recovery can flow. With physiotherapy, many stroke survivors can learn to thrive once again.


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