The “Don’ts” of Stretching for Winter Sports

Like it or not, winter is here for several more weeks. One way that outdoorsy people make the best of this season is by participating in winter sports like skiing, hockey, ice skating, and snowboarding. These adrenaline-triggering sports can liven up January and February like no other activities. They can also cause injuries if a […]

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Falls This Winter

Slipping and falling is so much more than embarrassing; it is also a health hazard. In fact, about 2.8 million people over the age of 65 are treated in an emergency department each year due to a fall. Also, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falling… Can be serious. About one in every […]

Why Physiotherapy Is So Valuable

Physiotherapy is, in a word, valuable. Many of the patients who’ve participated in a physiotherapy program will attest to this; so will statistical research. The article The Value of Physiotherapy mentioned the findings of an evidence-based, relevant valuation of physiotherapy by two health economists. What the economists found was support for the idea that physiotherapy […]

Reasons You Should Strength Train with a Physiotherapist

With the 2016 new year, people all over the world are making lists of New Year’s resolutions. At the top of most of these lists are resolutions about health and fitness. After all, everyone wants to be stronger and healthier. What goals are YOU setting for the coming year? If you are interested in becoming more […]

How to Stop Plantar Fasciitis Before It Starts

Have you ever felt stabbing pain on the inside of the bottom of your heel, especially upon standing up first thing in the morning? If so, you may have plantar fasciitis. The Mayo Clinic defines plantar fasciitis as “one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves pain and inflammation of a thick […]

Slip and fall prevention tips

As the nation experiences one of the coldest winters in recent history you not only need to worry about staying warm, but also of the injuries that can occur when these temperatures meet moisture on the ground.  Slips and falls during the winter month’s cause hundred of thousands of injuries and deaths each year in […]

How To Prevent Workplace Injury

Contrary to popular belief, sitting at a computer all day is still considered physical activity. Like other physical activities, it can cause serious trauma and damage to your body. The following are tips to prevent workplace injury.