With the 2016 new year, people all over the world are making lists of New Year’s resolutions. At the top of most of these lists are resolutions about health and fitness. After all, everyone wants to be stronger and healthier.
What goals are YOU setting for the coming year?
If you are interested in becoming more fit, you need a plan to ensure you fulfill this resolution. There are many ways in which to become healthier and build muscle mass, and you’ve probably tried many of them. But, have you ever contemplated strength training with a physiotherapist? Most people who are ready to get fit commonly consult the services of a personal trainer, and there is nothing wrong with this. But, before you choose to work with a personal trainer, consider how a physiotherapist can best help meet your fitness goals.
What Do Personal Trainers Do? Who Do They Help?
A personal trainer is an exercise professional who aids individuals in reaching their fitness goals by keeping them motivated and helping them adhere to an exercise regime. For the most part, personal trainers benefit people who are in relatively good health and whose primary needs are motivation, direction and instruction in the area of fitness. Those who have chronic pain, muscular imbalances or movement disorders may not be the best candidates for personal training. People with these types of issues often reach their fitness goals best by working with a physiotherapist.
Do you have chronic pain, a movement disorder, a muscular imbalance, or some other type of problem that affects your functionality? If so, consider enlisting the help of a physiotherapist.
Why You Should Consider Strength Training with a Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapists are well educated – Physiotherapists are experts in human anatomy and physiology. They are specially trained to work with individuals to correct muscular imbalances, muscle weakness and other issues. Physiotherapists are required to have a Master’s degree (at the very least) in sports medicine, kinesiology, physiotherapy, or something similar. When you choose to reach your fitness goals with the help of a physiotherapist, you are putting yourself in good hands.
- Physiotherapists save you precious time – Those who want to become more fit usually want to do so as quickly as possible. This is understandable! However, it takes time for your body to build muscle. There is a way to expedite the process of becoming your best self – train with a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists know exactly what exercises will be most effective for your body. Training with this type of healthcare professional will keep you from wasting time performing exercises that will not ultimately benefit you. Train with a physiotherapist if you want to reach your fitness goals in the most optimal way.
- Physiotherapists expertly teach injury prevention – It’s great that you want to build muscle, become stronger and look better. However, have you thought much about injury prevention? It is common for those who begin strength training to sustain muscle injuries. This happens when people either jump into training without an educated plan or train with someone who cannot teach injury prevention. Injury prevention is important for everyone, especially those who are feverishly training to reach a fitness goal. A physiotherapist can help you navigate the waters of strength training. Best of all, they can do this while teaching you how to keep injuries at bay.
- Your insurance may cover strength training with a physiotherapist — Did you know that your insurance may cover the expenses of your strength training with a physiotherapist? Speak to someone in your physiotherapy clinic’s billing department to find out more about this.
So, there you have it – 4 great reasons to strength train with a physiotherapist. Which reason inspires you to reach out to a physiotherapist today?