Slipping and falling is so much more than embarrassing; it is also a health hazard. In fact, about 2.8 million people over the age of 65 are treated in an emergency department each year due to a fall. Also, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falling…
- Can be serious. About one in every five falls results in a broken bone or other severe condition.
- May cause hip fractures. Around 300,000 people are hospitalized each year because of hip fractures. Falling causes almost all (95%) hip fractures.
- Is the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries.
Clearly, falling can be dangerous. Were you aware that it was such a hazard?
Note: The statistics above are based on individuals 65 and older.
5 Simple Ways to Prevent Falls This Winter
Everyone is vulnerable to falling. This is especially true of the elderly. Also, the chances of falling increases in winter. However, you can arm yourself against falls. Here are 5 simple ways that you can prevent falls this winter:
1) Get your vision checked – This may sound obvious, but getting regular vision exams is one of the easiest and most practical ways to prevent falls. If it’s been a while since your last eye exam, make an appointment today.
2) Tack or tape rugs to the floor – A cheap way to save yourself a fall is to tack or tape rugs, especially rug corners, to the floor.
3) Visit a physiotherapy clinic – Have you fallen before? If so, you are at a higher risk for falling again. Stabilize yourself by visiting a physiotherapy clinic and asking how its team of therapists can help you get fit and healthy. There is no better way of preventing a fall than by working with a physiotherapist toward this goal.
4) Take vitamin D – Vitamin D is essential to strong bones, which are the only type of bones that resist breaking under the pressure of a fall. Ask your doctor to check your blood levels of Vitamin D. If it is low, ask him or her about supplementation.
5) Practice mindfulness – Being mindful and aware of what is happening in the present moment is a fantastic strategy for preventing a fall. Practicing mindfulness will help you spot obstacles you might otherwise miss. A fun way to become more mindful is to “color” (with colored pencils) in an adult-specific coloring book.
Don’t let a fear of falling trouble you this winter. Stack the odds in your favor against falling by implementing one or more of the tips we’ve suggested.
Which fall-prevention tip sounds the most interesting to you?