Physiotherapy Helped a Canadian Woman Avoid Shoulder Surgery

There are few things more dreadful than having surgery. Not only is it nerve-wracking; it can also be difficult to recover from. Given the choice to have surgery or resolve a health issue via other means, most people would choose the latter. Can Physiotherapy Prevent Surgery? There is a plethora of “remedies” that promise to […]

4 Easy Ways Men Can Improve Their Health

It’s important that men take steps to improve their health. However, the reality is that most men do not and will not. Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, head of the International Society of Men’s Health, said, “Many [adult] men go to the doctor for the first time in their 40s — on a stretcher with a heart […]

Can Exercise Keep People with Alzheimer’s Out of Nursing Homes?

It is not uncommon for someone with Alzheimer’s disease to live in a nursing home. It is also not uncommon for family members to want to care for their loved ones who have Alzheimer’s. Those struggling with this disease desire this, as well. The Alzheimer’s Society of Canada writes, “Most people with dementia want to […]