Image of physiotherapist Maxine Koroscil
Physiotherapist Maxine Koroscil

Maxine Koroscil, BMR-PT, is a woman of many talents. She is not only a certified physiotherapist — she is also certified in acupunture, SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment), and FMS (Functional Movement Systems). Additionally, she actively seeks continuing education that will make her an exceptional physiotherapist. While she greatly enjoys her job, Maxine doesn’t obtain training and certifications for herself; she does so for her clients. She has a passion to see them heal and stay well, and she makes that possible by ensuring she is the best physiotherapist she can be.

Maxine graduated from the University of Manitoba School of Medical Rehabilitation with a Bachelors Degree in Physiotherapy. Since then, she has found a home at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics in Winnipeg. In an exlusive interview (below), she revealed the highlight of her career, what she’d like the world to know about physiotherapy, and more. Read on to get to know Maxine Koroscil, BMR-PT.

Interview with Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinic’s PT Maxine Koroscil

Q) Maxine, what has been the highlight of your career so far?

A) Early in my career, I had a client come in who was in a serious car accident, so much so that they were unable to walk without the use of an aide. Throughout their treatment, we had great improvements. At the conclusion of their physiotherapy, the client was able to walk on their own. This made me realize the impact physiotherapy has on people’s lives and confirmed I had chosen the right career.

Q) Tell us a little about the schooling process a physiotherapist must go through and why patients should feel comfortable trusting physiotherapists with health concerns.

A) The physiotherapy program is currently a Masters, which requires the completion of an undergraduate program followed by a two-year Masters of Physiotherapy. That being said, in this profession, continuing education following the university program is equally important to keeping up with the ever-changing medical system. This is why many physiotherapists will dedicate a segment of each year to career development based on the needs of their clients, in combination with one’s personal interests.

Q) What is the most unique case you have ever treated? What did you learn from working with that patient?

A) I treated a client who had a cervical disc replacement that was performed in Germany, due to the prcedure not being offered in Canada. I learned a lot from corresponding with healthcare providers in a different country. Specifically, I learned about the importance of interdisciplinary communication in offering the highest quality of client care.

Q) If you had to describe the Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy clinic you work for in three words, what would those words be?


Q) What is the importance of doing pre-operative rehabilitation with a licensed physiotherapist? What benefits can a patient expect to receive from participating in pre-operative rehab?

A) Pre-operative rehab can help improve post-operative outcomes. By coming in for physiotherapy before surgery, we can ensure that we help you in achieving the greatest (and safest) range of motion and strength going into surgery. It is paramount that one dedicates themselves to their prehab, as much as their rehab, as this can reduce recovery periods and increase your effectiveness in participating with post-op care. Additionally, physiotherapists may be able to help reduce any stress and anxiety due to unanswered questions and other concerns.

Q) Do you feel a sufficient number of those who undergo surgical procedures participate in a pre-operative rehab program? If not, why do you think this is?

A) Often we will see clients pre-operatively, as it is becoming expected that a surgeon will require pre-operative physiotherapy to assist with post-op outcomes of surgery. As well, it is common that many surgeons will exhaust conservative management of an injury before proceeding with surgery. Typical obstacles for attending pre-operative physiotherapy are due to financial restraints or limitations with insurance coverage.

Q) If there were one thing you could make the world understand about physiotherapy, what would it be?

A) You don’t have to be in pain to come in for a physiotherapy assessment. We often see people who are noticing changes in their movement or performance. With non-traumatic injuries, pain is often the last symptom to present. Our body often gives us clues (with movement or tightness) that tell us an injury might be on the horizon.

Physiotherapist Maxine Koroscil wants the world to know that people don’t have to be in pain to visit a physiotherapy clinic for an evaluation. Are you having issues with muscular weakness, gait issues, or just feeling physically different? If so, contact a physiotherapy clinic. Those who live near Winnipeg may want to consider reaching out to a physiotherapist like Maxine at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics.

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