Get back to work, quickly, with Work Reconditioning — an intensive, goal-oriented treatment program.

Work Reconditioning is specifically designed to restore an individual’s systemic, neurological, musculoskeletal (strength, endurance, movement, flexibility, and motor control), and cardiopulmonary functions. The objective of the Work Reconditioning Program is to restore the client’s physical capacity and function to the extent that the client can return to work.

Elite starts with thorough physiotherapy assessment, including standard outcomes measures and functional testing.

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Winnipeg physiotherapists, massage therapists, and more — with an easy to access exercise video library and four convenient locations.

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How Reconditioning differs from a regular physiotherapy appointment:

Set schedule of 3 to 5 days of the in the clinic for a specific number of weeks or appointments.

Programs include core stability and functional training along with aerobic training.

Simulate the work environment by training for the physical demands of the work environment.

Program is supervised by a specialized physiotherapy in Reconditioning who has regular contact with case manager.

Recovery for all levels

Elite specializes in injury recovery for all sports and levels of athlete. Our team facilitates rapid access to complete recovery. Frequently, we see patients within a day or two of their physician exam when return to full function is critical. We immediately address acute swelling, pain and compensatory issues and initiate a home program to maintain strength and motion.

Your Part

In order to ensure a successful treatment and speed recovery, you need to be fully committed to your treatment plan. Your time in the clinic is only part of the process. The exercises and perhaps changes in your own behavior are a crucial part of your plan. We know how your body works; we may identify an underlying weakness, poor posture, work habits, or other factors that contribute to the problem.