Every physiotherapy clinic is unique. Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics in Winnipeg are no exception. Each clinic has its own ‘feel’, personality, and amazing team of physiotherapists, massage therapists, and other healthcare professionals. Many Winnipeg residents have found a family at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics. If you are searching for a physiotherapist and live near Winnipeg, the Elite team members would love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to contact them.

Each month, an Elite team member is interviewed and the interview is published on the Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy website blog. This month, Lexie Flynn, a physiotherapist who is passionate about her role at Elite, is featured. Read her interview below and find answers to some FAQs about physiotherapy.

Interview with Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics PT Lexie Flynn

Q) Why did you become a physiotherapist?

A) I became a physiotherapist to help others achieve their goals, whether it be to return to daily life without pain or to run a marathon. I love the process of educating and helping others to manage their injuries. Being a physiotherapist is hugely collaborative, not only with other health care providers but with the patient as well. If patients do not understand why we are doing what we are doing, it becomes very difficult for them to achieve their goals. I love going through that process with them and problem-solving together.


Q) What type of healthcare providers do you typically work in conjunction with to help patients reach their goals?

A) I work collaboratively with doctors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, and massage therapists to help determine the best treatment plan that I can for a patient.


Q) What age range do you treat?

A) I have treated patients who range from toddlers to seniors. All ages come through the doors of Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics, located in Winnipeg.


Q) Is there a condition that could benefit from physiotherapy which you feel often goes untreated because people lack information about physiotherapy?

A) One condition that often goes untreated because of a lack of information about physiotherapy is arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. There are multiple physiotherapy interventions that do not only reduce pain, but also improve daily functioning. Appropriate exercise, education, soft tissue release, joint mobilizations, and modalities can all be aspects of a complete treatment plan for arthritis.


Q) If you could educate the general public on two points about physiotherapy, what would they be?

A) One major point I feel that is not widely known is that physiotherapists are primary health care providers. We do not require direct referral from a physician or any other health care provider to be able to assess patients and provide treatment. Certain insurance plans require physician referral to provide third party payor coverage, but that is based on individual coverage.

Another point that is not well known is that physiotherapists are trained to treat patients with neurological conditions, such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease. A physiotherapist will develop treatment plans for these patient populations to improve function and reduce pain. Education and exercise in these populations is a major key to a high-quality life and can help to maximize a patient’s activities of daily living.


Q) What are 3 fun facts about yourself?


  1. Prior to attaining my Master’s of Physical Therapy, I worked for Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics as an Elite Professional. I liked it so much that I decided to come back as a physiotherapist.
  2. Any kind of bug/insect/arachnid terrifies me. You’ll hear me scream a mile away if I see one, and I turn into a really fast runner.
  3. I love to travel to new places! A yearly getaway somewhere new is a must. Next on my list is the East Coast – I really want to go to Prince Edward Island in the summer time.

The team at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics in Winnipeg is made up of passionate, highly qualified physiotherapists like Lexie Flynn. Connect with Lexie or one of her peers by at Elite Sports Injury today.

Questions to ask:

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