5 Things Everyone with Osteoarthritis Should Know

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that the general public has a fairly high level of awareness of. Many people understand that OA is a painful health issue that stems from inflammation. However, it is only those who experience osteoarthritis for themselves who understand how life altering it can be. Sustaining a condition that causes pain […]

Physiotherapist Rachel Wu Shows Expertise and Genuine Care for Patients

Each month, a different physiotherapist is featured on the Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinic blog. All physiotherapists are part of the Elite team, and each brings something different to the table. We love giving our readers the opportunity to get to know these physiotherapists better and have a greater understanding of what PTs do and […]

Interview with Elite Sports Injury Clinic Physiotherapist Trevor Horvath

Wouldn’t it be great if you could read an uncensored interview with a healthcare professional before you decided to work with him or her? We think it would. That’s why we at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinic are publishing monthly interviews with our staff members. We want you to get to know the incredible team […]

The Link Between Physiotherapy and Heart Attack Recovery

Most people do not associate heart attack recovery with physiotherapy. Why would they? Isn’t physiotherapy only helpful to people who have back or neck pain? Physiotherapy can be healing for bodily pain, but it is also an effective treatment for heart attack recovery. Why Heart Attack Survivors Should Work With a Physiotherapist Have you ever […]

Treating Childhood Arthritis with Physiotherapy

If you were asked to imagine someone who suffers from arthritis, what image would come to your mind? Would you envision an older individual, somewhat hunched over in posture, perhaps holding his or her back as if in pain? If so, you’d be in good company — most people consider arthritis to be a disease […]

Interesting Facts About Physiotherapy

Over the past couple of centuries, physiotherapy has become a well respected and trusted practice. People all over the world with different types of health problems receive amazing results from physiotherapy. Because it so greatly benefits patients, society’s awareness of professional physiotherapy has grown quite high. While plenty of people have surface knowledge of physiotherapy, […]