What is Whiplash, and When Should It Be Treated?

Injuries caused by whiplash can create long-term suffering for those affected by them. There are at least 3 million new cases of whiplash each year, and more than half of those with whiplash ultimately experience chronic symptoms. “Whiplash–a soft tissue injury to the neck–is also called neck sprain or neck strain. It is characterized by a […]

Got Whiplash? Get Help from a Physiotherapist.

Each year in Canada, whiplash injuries account for about 2 million insurance claims and cause many cases of chronic pain. There are numerous myths about whiplash, which, according to MedicineNet is “a relatively common injury that occurs to a person’s neck following a sudden acceleration-deceleration force that causes unrestrained, rapid forward and backward movement of […]

How Physiotherapists Treat Whiplash

“How do you get whiplash?” Different people have very different answers to this question. Some people believe whiplash is something everyone who has been in a car accident develops. Some think whiplash isn’t treatable. Others think men are more susceptible to this condition than women. These are all myths. A few other myths about whiplash include… […]