Strengthen Your Immune System with Physiotherapy

The immune system is truly amazing. It is critical to our overall health and wellbeing. When functioning properly, it defends against microorganisms that cause disease. “But sometimes (the immune system) fails,” stated Harvard Health. “A germ invades successfully and makes you sick.” Getting sick from time to time is normal and not necessarily indicative of […]
How to STOP Knee Pain with Strengthening Exercises
Imagine this: you wake up on a Monday morning to the sound of your blaring alarm. Surprisingly, you awake refreshed and ready to start your day. You take a deep breath and sit up. As you throw your legs over the side of the bed, you grimace at the sharp pain in your knees. “Oh […]
Is a Weak Core the REAL Cause of Your Lower Back Pain?
A weak core gets blamed for an awful lot – especially lower back pain. While a weak core can indeed trigger pain and irritation in the low back region, it is not always the source of that pain. Read on to find out how a weak core causes back pain, and discover if it is […]
Prevent Dance-related Injuries with Physiotherapy
If you had to guess, which type of individual would you assume was at greater risk for injury: rugby player or dancer? Believe it or not, a dancer has more of a chance of becoming injured than a rugby player does. Dance may look effortless and easy on the body, but it is not. In […]