3 Ways Physiotherapists Ease Back Pain

“My back is killing me!” Have you ever said something like this? If so, you are part of a large community of individuals worldwide who routinely experience back pain. Whether it is chronic, acute, severe, minor, dull, or sharp, back pain puts a dent in your quality of life. But, here is some great news: […]

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Falls This Winter

Slipping and falling is so much more than embarrassing; it is also a health hazard. In fact, about 2.8 million people over the age of 65 are treated in an emergency department each year due to a fall. Also, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falling… Can be serious. About one in every […]

4 Easy Ways Men Can Improve Their Health

It’s important that men take steps to improve their health. However, the reality is that most men do not and will not. Dr. Ridwan Shabsigh, head of the International Society of Men’s Health, said, “Many [adult] men go to the doctor for the first time in their 40s — on a stretcher with a heart […]

Kick Fibromyalgia Pain with Physiotherapy

Pains. Aches. Fatigue. Sleep disturbances. These are all aspects of a condition called fibromyalgia. If you suffer from this issue, you are all too familiar with these frustrations and the limitations they bring. You are probably tired of feeling the general malaise that overtakes most people who have fibromyalgia. Also, you likely wish with all […]

Getting (and Staying) Fit Is Easier Than You Think

If someone were to ask you to envision yourself physically fit, what would you see? Would you see yourself having chiseled legs, rock-hard abs and arms of steel? Or, would you envision yourself with a smile on your face, at a healthy weight, getting sufficient physical exercise each day? Most people would probably imagine the […]