3 Things You Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, you are well aware of how limiting it can be. This condition, which is caused by the compression of the median nerve within the wrist, can cause pain and weakness in certain parts of the hand and/or wrist. Do you experience the effects of CTS? Do You Have […]

3 Ways Physiotherapy Benefits Pregnant Women

Physiotherapy benefits many different types of people. Some individuals assume physiotherapy is designed primarily for patients who’ve recently had surgery, but this isn’t the case. While physiotherapy can be extremely helpful pre- and post-op, it serves a wide variety of patients, including pregnant women. 3 Benefits of Physiotherapy for Pregnant Women Pregnancy can take its […]

Is Physiotherapy an Effective Treatment for TMD?

Do you ever hear or feel popping or clicking in your jaw joints? If so, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) may be to blame. This disorder, which can only be diagnosed by a healthcare professional, is commonly referred to as “TMJ.” The pain it causes can range from slight to severe and can diminish one’s quality […]

How High is Your Risk of Falling?

In Canada, the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations is falls, “and between 20% and 30% of seniors fall each year,” according to the Government of Canada. Falling can be scary. “And falls can cost us — not only in terms of treatment, but in terms of independence and even our lives,” stated Falling: Are You […]

How Physiotherapy Treats Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a disease that causes inflammation of the tissue that lines the inside of the joints in children who are 16 or younger. Juvenile arthritis is an autoimmune disease that researchers believe is linked to environmental triggers, certain infections, and genetics, per WebMD. There are six types of juvenile arthritis — […]

Strengthen Your Immune System with Physiotherapy

The immune system is truly amazing. It is critical to our overall health and wellbeing. When functioning properly, it defends against microorganisms that cause disease. “But sometimes (the immune system) fails,” stated Harvard Health. “A germ invades successfully and makes you sick.” Getting sick from time to time is normal and not necessarily indicative of […]

4 Myths That Prevent People From Trying Physiotherapy

Have you ever wanted to try physiotherapy but didn’t follow through? If so, you are not alone. Plenty of people let fear of the unknown keep them from pursuing potentially life-changing medical treatment. Fear isn’t the only reason some people don’t give physiotherapy a try. Believing myths about physiotherapy is another reason. The frustrating thing […]

3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

More than 50 percent of Canadians say the quality of their sleep isn’t good, according to Statistics Canada, reported by CBC News. “Lack of sleep (both duration and quality) are associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, injuries, death from all causes, depression, irritability and reduced well-being,” wrote a contributor to CBC News. Are […]

How Physiotherapy Improves Your Memory

Memory problems plague people for a variety of reasons, but regardless of who or why, memory issues seriously lower one’s quality of life. Memory loss can be short-term or long-term, slight or significant. Any type of memory loss can feel scary, especially when the affected individual doesn’t know the cause of it. The Many Causes […]

Physiotherapy Helps You Heal from Back Surgery

80 percent of Americans alone will experience back pain at some point in their lives, according to the infographic Key Statistics on Back Pain. This source also reported that: The number of adults who experience low back pain is rising each year. 30 percent of women and 26 percent of men deal with low back […]