What You Need to Know About Massage Therapy

Like 34 percent of Americans, do you believe massage therapy is primarily a form of pampering? If so, it’s time you learned about the incredible health benefits of this form of therapy. While getting a massage feels good, it is also great for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, massage therapy can help treat… […]
Elyse Copp Explains How Massage Therapy Supports a Physiotherapy Program
There is nothing like a massage to ease the tension in our bodies as well as our minds. Most people revel in the thought of receiving a massage. Patients whose treatment plans include massage therapy usually look forward to this aspect of their recovery more than any other part of their treatment plan. Is massage […]
3 Ways Physiotherapists Ease Back Pain
“My back is killing me!” Have you ever said something like this? If so, you are part of a large community of individuals worldwide who routinely experience back pain. Whether it is chronic, acute, severe, minor, dull, or sharp, back pain puts a dent in your quality of life. But, here is some great news: […]
3 Unusual Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage is universally known to be wonderful. It goes without saying that a good massage results in a more relaxed mind and body. Most people are also aware that massage has a way of refreshing sore, tired muscles. However, there are several distinct, not-so-obvious benefits of massage therapy that you might not know about. 3 […]
Foam Rolling To Reduce Pain
If a physiotherapist recommends doing something for myofascial release, don’t be afraid. He or she is talking about foam rolling. Often used by professional athletes, this practice is gaining popularity as a home remedy for common hurts. While it is best to learn proper foam rolling technique from a certified physiotherapist, self-myofascial can be done […]