Have you ever asked yourself, “Do I need physiotherapy?” If so, you are probably struggling with some type of bodily pain and perhaps desperately seeking a remedy that will give you relief. Whether you’ve tried many treatments or none, today is a good day to find out if physiotherapy could help your condition.
What Health Problems Does Physiotherapy Treat?
To determine if physiotherapy may be helpful to you, it’s important to understand what health problems it treats. Here is a short list of conditions that physiotherapy has been known to treat effectively (it is by no means comprehensive):
- Pain – Physiotherapy is best known as a treatment for a huge variety of types of pain – back, foot, shoulder, neck, and so much more. The pain might be caused by an injury, arthritis, a muscular imbalance, or rehabilitation from a surgery. Very often, physiotherapy can ease or eradicate pain. If you are in bodily pain, consider reaching out to a physiotherapist.
- Post-surgery rehabilitation – Have you recently had a knee or hip replacement, or another type of surgery? If so, physiotherapy may be beneficial to you. Sports Medicine Information’s Guide to Sports Medicine says, “Recovery and rehabilitation processes are instrumental to the well being of a patient, especially in the case of a serious accident or a complex medical problem. Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are carried out by physiotherapists to improve circulation, build muscle strength, and restore normal bodily functions. In cases where an individual has experienced a serious accident such as a car crash, it may be necessary to learn how to walk, sit up, and turn over again which will require a long period of intensive physiotherapy…” Learn more about how physiotherapy can aid someone in rehabilitating from a surgery here.
- Arthritis – Physiotherapy is a classic and potent treatment for arthritis. As is stated on the Arthritis Foundation’s website, “Goals of (physiotherapy) in arthritis include improving the mobility and restoring the use of affected joints, increasing strength to support the joints, and maintaining fitness and the ability to perform daily activities.” Just about anyone with arthritis may benefit from being evaluated by a physiotherapist.
- Sports injuries – The average physiotherapist will treat a lot of sports injuries during the span of his or her career. A sizeable number of sports-related injuries are treatable by physiotherapy.
Do you have one of these conditions, or are you rehabilitating from surgery? Physiotherapy may be the solution, or part of the solution, to your symptoms being resolved.
How to Find Out If a Physiotherapist Can Help You
The only way you can know with certainty if physiotherapy is for you is to make an appointment with a physiotherapist for an evaluation. Your physiotherapist will be upfront with you about what treatments will benefit you, and they’ll often be the first to let you know if physiotherapy isn’t in your best interest.
If you live in Winnipeg and are seeking an experienced physiotherapist, the staff at Elite Sports Injury Physiotherapy Clinics would love to hear from you.
After reading this post, do you think physiotherapy could possibly benefit you? If so, what next step will you take?