What usually gets you through an unpleasant task? Is it the thought that your present action will benefit you in some way several weeks from now? If you are like most people, probably not! The majority of individuals want results now and don’t think much about the long-term results of things. Is this true of you?
It’s so much easier to choose immediate pleasure over future freedom. For example, not eating desserts everyday may feel awful at first, but in a few months this behavior will result in a lesser amount of body fat. Similarly, shutting down Netflix and going to bed at a decent time provides no immediate fun, but after a few weeks you may notice your stress levels naturally decreasing as your sleep improves. If you have trouble following through on such unpleasant actions, motivate yourself by rehearsing the long-term results of each behavior. This is precisely what physiotherapy patients do to motivate themselves on their journey of recovery.
Physiotherapy, which utilizes physical activity (among other things) as a modality of healing, can be a bit of a struggle at times. This is especially true for those who are in pain or are recovering from an illness or injury. Physiotherapy sessions can be challenging, and it usually takes a few weeks before patients see any results. These individuals often get themselves through the initial stages of their physiotherapy program by thinking about the long-term benefits of physiotherapy.
3 Long-Term Benefits of Physiotherapy
There are several components of physiotherapy, but the largest is physical exercise. A lot of physiotherapy patients go from a sedentary lifestyle to one that is much more physically active. This yields wonderful long-term benefits. Here are just a few examples:
1. A toned physique – Physiotherapy promotes toned muscles. Most physiotherapy patients find they’ve gained strength and muscle and lost fat after a few weeks of consistently going to their therapy sessions and performing their home exercises regularly.
2. Personal independence – Getting old is inevitable. Going to a nursing home is not. Those who want to maintain their personal independence should consider physiotherapy. Physical exercise, which is heavily emphasized in physiotherapy, “Keep(s) you on your feet and out of a nursing home. Seniors who exercise have better balance and flexibility and stronger bones. They have fewer falls and breaks and less disability. Exercise “Improve(s) your overall outlook on life because you’re healthier, happier and looking good. Exercise is the real fountain of youth,” wrote Jeanne Faulkner.
3. Beautiful posture – Would you like to be one of those people who seem to naturally have great posture? Physiotherapy can help you get there. While good posture requires thought and effort at first, over time it gets easier. It also becomes more natural as you strengthen your core muscles, which a physiotherapist can help you do.
Could you benefit from any of these long-term results of physiotherapy? If so, which one would you appreciate most?